Aphid key

Identification of aphids associated with Betulaceae

A key based on visual identification is provided to help you identify frequent aphid species.

The link on the species name gives access to the identification file

Common alder (Alnus glutinosa)

Pterocallis alni, P. maculatus

light yellow to yellowish green with antennae ringed, cornicles short and dark, anal wing vein dark in alate

Pterocallis maculatus
Pterocallis alni : adulte ailé

Italian alder (Alnus cordata)

Cryturaphis grassii

Aphid nearly round and flat, yellow  streaked with brown, frontal tubercles highly developed, abdomen of alate with dorsal patch more or less developed

Crypturaphis grassii : adulte aptère sur Alnus cordata
Crypturaphis grassii : adulte ailé
Crypturaphis grassi : larve

Silver birch (Betula pendula) and downy birch (Betula pubescens)

Betulaphis quadrituberculata

Whitish yellow to greenish yellow, antennae short, capitate hairs  on abdomen of larvae and nymphs, cornicles short and light

Betulaphis quadrituberculata : larves émettant des phéromones d'alarme
Betulaphis quadrituberculata ; adulte ailé et colonie
Aphidius aquilus : momie de Betulaphis
Calaphis flava

Pale green to yellowish, antennae same length as body, capitate hairs present in larvae and nymphs, cornicles short and light-coloured, wing veins distinct in alate 

Calaphis flava : larve
Calaphis flava : adulte ailé
Callipterinella calliptera

Green streaked with stripes, dark to black, antennae dark at tip, shorter than body, wing veins strongly marked in alate

Callipterinella calliptera : adulte aptère
Callipterinella calliptera : adulte ailé
Callipterinella minutissima

Greenish yellow, antennae short, cornicles short, alate greenish with large lateral tubercles and wing veins dark

Callipterinella tuberculata

Greenish with dark spots on abdomen, antennae shorter than body, wing veins distinct in alate

Callipterinella tuberculata
Euceraphis punctipennis

Large and elongate, green,  antennes same size as body, cornicles short, cauda knobbed, alate slightly waxy with wings elongate

Euceraphis punctipennis : nymphe stade 4
Euceraphis punctipennis : adulte ailé
Euceraphis punctipennis : col

Common hornbeam (Carpinus betulus)

Myzocallis carpini

Yellowish to whitish, very similar to Myzocallis coryli the hazel aphid, the morphological difference tibeing the rostrum length, however each of these two species is specific to its plant host

Hazel (Corylus avellana)

Corylobium avellanae

Greeny yellow, sometimes marbled with red, antennae and cornicles long, abdomen with capitate hairs, alate with spots on abdomen

Corylobium avellanae
Corylobium avellanae : adulte ailé
Corylobium avellanae : adultes aptères
Myzocallis coryli

Yellowish to whitish, abdomen with capitate hairs, cornicles short and light-coloured, cauda knobbed, in alate small black spot on basal part of pterostigma

Myzocallis coryli : larves
Myzocallis coryli : adulte ailé