B. quadrituberculata

Betulaphis quadrituberculata (Kaltenbach, 1843)

Small downy birch aphid

Betulaphis quadrituberculata ; adulte ailé et colonie
Betulaphis quadrituberculata : larves émettant des phéromones d'alarme
Aphidius aquilus : ponte dans une colonie de Betulaphis
Aphidius aquilus : momie de Betulaphis

Morphological characters

1.5-2.0 mm
Small aphid, light green to yellow or almost white with hairs capitate.
Apterous: antennae shorter than body; cornicles short and situated laterally, cauda triangular.
Alate: antennae light brown, shorter than length of body and bearing oval rhinaria (12-16), abdomen with a pigmented patch which may be reduced or absent, cornicles short, cauda triangular and bilobed anal patch present.

See identification file

Life cycles

Monoecious holocyclic

Host plants

Betula puberscens, downy birch, B. verrucosa, silver birch

Particular characteristics

Betulaphis quadrituberculata spends winter as eggs on birch trees. In spring the eggs hatch and the larvae colonize the underside of leaves. The eggs are laid in autumn, after mating by the oviparae and apterous males. 

Populations can be regulated by a hymenopteran: Aphidius aquilus.

Agronomic impact

Natural enemies

Aphidius aquilus