Identification file

Identification file

Pterocallis alni (De Geer, 1773)

1.5-2.0 mm
Apterous: light yellow to yellowish green
Antennae ringed, shorter than length of body
Abdomen covered with capitate hairs
Cornicles short and dark
Cauda knobbed
Femur with a black spot

Pterocallis alni : fiche d'identification
Pterocallis alni © Encyclop'Aphid

Alate: light yellow to yellowish green
Antennae ringed (1), shorter than length of body, processus terminalis equal to base (2), black spot on segment I of antenna (3)
Abdomen light without pigmentation
Cornicles short and dark (4)
Cauda knobbed (5)
Femur with black spot (6)
Wing marked by dark anal vein (7), a small spot on pterostigma (8) absence of part of part radial sector

Species file