Diaeretiella rapae

Diaeretiella rapae (M'intosh, 1855)

Diaeretiella rapae : adulte en position de ponte
Diaeretiella rapae : momies de Brevicoryne brassicae
Diaeretiella rapae : adulte
Diaeretiella rapae : aile droite
Diaeretiella rapae : ovipositeur


Antenna with 14 segments in females, more rarely 13 or 15
Wing :only venation 3-SR is shown
Ovipositor with tip squared off

Identification key


Primary endoparasitoid of aphids

Host aphids

Parasitoid frequently encountered on Brevicoryne brassicae and Myzus persicae on Brassica, but also on numerous other genera and species of aphids