Identification file

Identification file

Callipterinella tuberculata (von Heyden, 1837)

1.7-2.2 mm
Apterous: yellowish to greenish with dark patches on abdomen, numerous long hairs present
Antennae short with processus terminalis short (1)
Abdomen with hairs (2) and spots dark (3)
Cornicles short and dark
Cauda knobbed (4)

Callipterinella tuberculata : fiche d'identification
Callipterinella tuberculata © Encyclop'Aphid

Alate:  head and thorax dark and wing venation thickened
Antennae with proximal part of segment III light (5)
Abdomen with small spots dark (6)
Cornicles short and dark (7)
Cauda knobbed
Wings marked by dark venation (8) and absence of part of radial sector

Species file