E. punctipennis

Euceraphis punctipennis (Zetterstedt, 1828)

Downy birch aphid
Euceraphis punctipennis : nymphe stade 4
Euceraphis punctipennis : adulte ailé
Euceraphis punctipennis : col

Morphological characters

3.0-4.8 mm
Large aphid, green, elongate over long legs, quite fluffy.
Larva and nymph: antennae same length as body, cornicles short, cauda knobbed.
Alate: antennae same length as body, abdomen elongate, cornicles short, cauda knobbed, legs long and wings narrow.

See identification file

Life cycles

Monoecious holocyclic

Host plants

Betula pubescens, downy birch

Particular characteristics

Euceraphis punctipennis on underside of young leaves of pubescent birch, which have not yet opened out. Adults are always alate and live in isolation. Larvae appear singly or in small groups. The infestations occur in spring or early summer. The oviparous females and males appear in autumn. After mating, the eggs overwinter and hatch in spring.


In this folder

Modification date: 22 May 2024 | Publication date: 20 March 2017 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet