Hairs and wax patches

Hairs and wax patches

Abdominal hairs can be short or long. Their shape can be pointed, capitate or spatulate. Wax glands exist in several families; they secrete a wax spray and sometimes long filaments.
Différents types de soies

A Pointed hairs (Cinara, Therioaphis...)
B Capitate hairs (Chaetosiphon, Capitophorus...)
C Spatulate hairs (Chaitophorus...)


Therioaphis trifolii (pointed hairs)
Therioaphis trifolii : adulte aptère
Cinara tujafilina (hairs and wax patches)
Cinara tujafilina : adulte aptère
Eriosoma laginerum (wax patches)
Eriosoma lanigerum : adulte apère
Phyllaphis fagi (wax patches and filaments)
Phyllaphis fagi : colonie


Modification date: 14 June 2024 | Publication date: 23 November 2010 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet