T. affinis

Thecabius affinis (Kaltenbach, 1843)

Poplar-Buttercup-gall aphid

Thecabius affinis : adulte aptère sur renoncule
Thecabius affinis : adulte ailé
Thecabius affinis : adulte aptère sur renoncule

Morphological characters

2.3-2.6 mm.
Apterous: light green to greyish green, covered with wax
Alate: grey-green, antenna short, cornicles absent, cauda rounded, short.

See identification file

Life cycles

Dioecious holocyclic.

Host plants

Primary host: Populus spp (poplars).
Secondary host: Ranunculus.

Particular characteristics

The winter egg is laid on poplar. In spring, after hatching, the stem-mother develops inside a gall made from a leaf folded on itself where the colony is protected. The upper leaf margin becomes blistered and yellowish or reddish. The offspring leave this gall in June or July to colonize the roots of the secondary host, the Renunculus. The apterous forms develop there and form waxy colonies at the base of stems and on small branches. The alates appear in the autumn and on their return migrate onto the poplars in October and November. After mating, eggs will be laid for hatching in the following spring.