

This family, formerly called Cruciferae, groups together numerous cultivated species. The oleaginous plant oilseed rape is the species most produced as a large-scale crop, followed by the Brassicaceae vegetable species.

This family covers rape, the foremost oleaginous plant cultivated in European latitudes, and a great many vegetables consumed as their leaves (cabbage and so on), inflorescences (cauliflower) or roots (turnips, radish). Moreover, in livestock farming areas Brassicaceae are also used as fodder.

France is the primary producer country of rapeseed (Brassica napus) of Europe. The product harvested is the seed, ground to extract the oil for human consumption and for making cattle-cake. The oil is also utilized for manufacturing biofuel. For use as forage, the entire rapeseed plant is grown for grazing in its vegetative state or mown when flowering begins.

France is also first European country for cauliflower production (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis). Over several centuries, selection has yielded different vegetables starting from a single species: Brassica oleracea var.capitata (headed cabbage), Brassica oleracea var.gemmifera (Brussels sprouts), Brassica oleracea var.italica (brocoli), Brassica oleracea var. rapa (turnip). The plants of this family are grown throughout the land and thus provide broad areas that can be colonized by a number of species of aphids, specialist or generalist.

See Aphid damage on Brassicaceae 

Frequent aphids

Occasional aphids

Root aphids

In the  "Aphid key" folder you will find simplified keys based on photos or morphological criteria to help with identification of species.

Modification date: 29 April 2024 | Publication date: 02 October 2013 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet