L. pallipes

Lachnus pallipes (Hartig, 1841)

Variegated beech aphid

Lachnus pallipes : adulte ailé

Morphological characters

3.0-4.5 mm.
Apterous: pear-shaped, dark brown to bronze, glossy, with cornicles reduced to a dark raised pore, cauda short
Alate: dark brown, forewings pigmented with broad spots, antennae short with processus terminalis very short, cornicles and cauda short as in apterous.

See identitication file

Life cycles

Monoecious holocyclic : Oviparous females appear in autumn. The males are alate. After mating, the eggs are laid in a dense bunch around the branches. Hatching takes place in spring.

Host plants

Quercus spp., oak, Fagus sylvatica, beech

Particular characteristics

These are highly mobile species, visited by ants