M. varians

Myzus varians Davidson, 1912

Peach-clematis leafroll aphid

Myzus varians : adulte aptère
Myzus varians : adulte ailé
Myzus varians : colonie
Myzus varians : dégât sur pêcher

Morphological characters

1.7-2.3 mm.
Apterous: light green, antennae darkened brown at articular sutures, cornicles straight and dark at tip.
Alate: very dark, antennae long and pigmented, cornicles long and black narrowing at tip, cauda digitate.

See identification file

Life cycles

Dioecious holocyclic.

Host plants

Primary host: Prunus persica (peach).
Secondary host: Clematis spp (clematis).

Agronomic impact

M. varians causes cigar-like folding of the leaf-blade margins parallel to the principal vein, accompanied by yellowing or reddening of the organs attacked (photo of damage on peach leaf).
It also transmits the Sharka or plum pox virus (PPV).

Natural enemies

Parasitoids :