D. apiifolia

Dysaphis apiifolia (Theobald, 1923), Dysaphis crataegi (Kaltenbach,1843), Dysaphis foeniculus (Theobald,1923)

Hawthorn-parsley aphid, Hawthorn-carrot aphid, Fennel aphid
Dysaphis crataegi : adulte aptère
Dysaphis crataegi : adulte ailé
Dysaphis crataegi: colonie

Morphological characters

1.4-2.6 mm.
Apterous: yellowish grey, strong pruinosity, with reddish brown area at base of cornicles.
Alate: yellowish, abdomen with large dark patch, numerous rhinaria on antennae, cornicles short, straight and pigmented, cauda short and triangular.

See identification file

Life cycles

Dioecious holocyclic and anholocyclic on secondary host.

Host plants

Primary host: Crataegus (hawthorn).
Secondary hosts: Apiaceae: Daucus (carrot), Apium (celery), Foeniculum (fennel), Petroselinum  (parsley) for example.

Particular characteristics

The morphological characters cannot help separate these three closely related species: Dysaphis apiifolia (Theobald, 1923), D. crataegi (Kaltenbach, 1843), D. foeniculus (Theobald, 1923).
They in fact make up a complex of species which are strongly similar and can hybridize.
Dysaphis apiifolia is the the most highly polyphagous species of the group.
Certain populations survive all year in the anholocyclic form.
They are visited by ants which build shelters for them in the ground.

Agronomic impact

These species live at the necks of plants or in the leaf sheaths of their secondary hosts.

Natural enemies

Parasitoids :

In this folder

Modification date: 22 May 2024 | Publication date: 30 September 2010 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet