D. plantaginea

Dysaphis (Pomaphis) plantaginea (Passerini, 1860)

Rosy apple aphid
Dysaphis plantaginea : adultes aptères
Dysaphis plantaginea : adulte ailé
Dysaphis plantaginea : colonie
Dysaphis plantaginea : dégât sur pommier

Morphological characters

1.8-2.4 mm.
Apterous: globular, dark olive-green or vinous pink, covered with white to greyish pulverulence.
Alate: abdomen with a dark patch perforated at the tip, antennae long and dark, cornicles long, cylindrical and dark, cauda short.

See identification file

Life cycles

Dioecious holocyclic.

Host plants

Primary host: Malus domestica (apple).
Secondary host : Plantago lanceolata (ribwort plantain).

Agronomic impact

D. plantaginea is the most devastating of the apple aphids owing to its high fecundity coupled with the early onset of its activity in spring.
Colonies induce strong rolling of young leaves (photo of damage on a young apple branch) followed by yellowing of the leaves.
Fruit becomes deformed following pre-flowering injections by the fundatrices.
Deformations persist even after aphids have left: shoots distorted, fruit scrawny and bumpy.
On the young shoots, the insect prevents crown formation and the year after a strong attack fewer flowers are produced.

Natural enemies 

Parasitoids : 

In this folder

Modification date: 22 May 2024 | Publication date: 29 September 2010 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet