
Aphid damage on Liliaceae

Large aphid populations are not observed on Allium plants (leek, onion, garlic and shallot). That does not prevent virus transmission, by means of the non-persistent mode, when passing alates try to feed by piercing. However, colonies of shallot aphid (Myzus ascalonicus) can develop on stored Allium and provoke exhaustion of bulbs or superfluous shoots and distortion in the future plants. Allium produce is not generally treated with aphicide. In any case that method is inappropriate and ineffective for fighting viral diseases seeing that their mode of transmission is non persistent.

The asparagus aphid (Brachycorynella asparagi), which appeared in southern France in 1988, weakens the plant which can then become sensitive to fungal diseases. This aphid, also reported in central France in 1997, apparently remains highly local. Control measures against Brachycorynella asparagi are applied in summer as soon as the earliest colonies or the first plant deformations are seen

Modification date: 07 February 2023 | Publication date: 09 July 2014 | By: Maurice Hullé, Evelyne Turpeau, Yvon Robert, Yves Monnet