
Aphid damage on Grossularaceae (redcurrant and blackcurrant)

The presence of yellow-coloured redcurrant aphid (Cryptomyzus ribis) causes characteristic embossing effects on the blade as prominent blisters on the upper side of the leaf. The colonies develop on the underside in the cavity so formed. On redcurrant, the galls are crimson red and on blackcurrant they are greeny yellow.

The blackcurrant aphid (Cryptomyzus galeopsidis) has a preference for blackcurrant, but also lives on redcurrant. It does not induce leaf deformation but sometimes secretes abundant honeydew if their population is large.

Also found on blackcurrant and occasionally on redcurrant, the sowthistle aphid (Hyperomyzus lactucae) brings strong leaf mottling which produces yellow streaks and blade rims rolled downwards.

The lettuce aphid (Nasonovia ribisnigri) is the vector of a variety of viruses on currants. It lives on blackcurrant and gooseberry where it forms small colonies on the shoot tips, causing leaf roll and retarded growth in branches.

On currants and particularly on blackcurrant, the green blackcurrant aphid (Aphis schneideri) is not easy to see as they are small and hidden in the deformed leaves. It blocks shoot growth and leads to deformed leaves which shrivel up and in so doing provide nests that ants actively visit. The species ioccurs on its hosts throughout the year.

The green gooseberry aphid (Aphis grossulariae) is mainly found on gooseberry and establishes dense colonies on shoot tips inducing roll-up and crinkling of young leaves, leading in turn to stunting in branches. This species is also visited by ants.

Modification date: 07 February 2023 | Publication date: 07 June 2016 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé