A. forbesi

Aphis forbesi Weed, 1889

Strawberry root aphid

Aphis forbesi, adulte aptère sur fraisier
Aphis forbesi, adulte ailé sur fraisier
Aphis forbesi, colonie sur fraisier

Morphological characters

1.2-1.8 mm.
Apterous: brownish or dark green, cauda and cornicles short.
Alate: dark with large marginal sclerites, antennae short, cornicles short and pigmented, cauda short, squat and pigmented.

See identification file

Life cycles

Monoecious holocyclic with apterous males.

Host plants   


Particular characteristics

This species lives at the base of petioles and peduncles of the fruiting plant, on stolons, at the collet of plants, even on roots. Aphis forbesi produces abundant honeydew and colonies are visited by ants