H. humilis

Hyalopteroides humilis (Walker, 1852)

Cocksfoot grass aphid

Hyalopteroides humilis : adulte aptère
Hyalopteroides humilis : adulte ailé

Morphological characters

2.3-3 mm.
Apterous: light, cornicles conical, two times longer than broad.
Alate: body elongate, whitish to yellowish, antennae short, flecks slightly pigmented on  abdomen, cornicles short, two times longer than broad, cauda long and broad.

Life cycles

Monoecious holocyclic.

Host plants

Dactylis glomerata (cocksfoot).

Agronomic impact

H. humilis is not common.
This species colonizes the upper side of cocksfoot leaves and this leads to withering of the tips.