L. erysimi

Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach, 1843)

Mustard-turnip aphid

Lipaphis erysim : adulte aptère
Lipaphis erysim : adulte ailé
Lipaphis erysim : colonie
blanc 192x128


Lipaphis erysim : adulte aptère
Lipaphis erysim : adulte ailé
Lipaphis erysim : colonie

Morphological characters

1.4-2.4 mm.
Apterous: green-yellow to green-grey, abdomen with brown spots, arranged in pairs separated by a pale medial line.
Alate: grey-green with marginal sclerites black and abdomen showing interrupted flecks, antennae short, cornicles short, slightly swollen, cauda short and pigmented.

See identification file

Life cycles

Mainly anholocyclic in Europe.

Host plants

Brassicaceae, cultivated and wild: Brassica spp (cabbage, turnip, radish), Nasturtium (cress).

Particular characteristics

L. erysimi colonizes many species of Brassicaceae but it is not considered as a significant pest.

Agronomic impact

Some isolated individuals of L. erysimi can transmit viruses depending on the non-persistent (turnip mosaic (TuMV)) or the semi-persistent mode (cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV)).

Natural enemies

Parasitoids :