C. aegopodii

Cavariella aegopodii (Scopoli, 1763)

Willow-carrot aphid
 	Cavariella aegopodii : adulte aptère et larves
Cavariella aegopodii : adulte ailé
Cavariella aegopodii : colonie sur persil
Cavariella aegopodii : momies sur carotte

Morphological characteristics

1.0-2.7 mm.
Apterous: green to yellowish green, cornicles swollen, caudicle on abdominal segment 8 which cover the cauda
Alate: green to yellowish green, abdomen shows dark patch, antennae pale and short, processus terminalis short, cornicles swollen, of medium length and pigmented, cauda short, presence of a caudicle on abdominal segment 8

See identification file

Life cycles

Dioecious holocyclic.

Host plants

Primary hosts: Salix fragilis (crack willow) Salix alba (white willow).
Secondary hosts: Apiaceae: Daucus (carrot), Apium (celery), Petroselinum (parsley)...


Agronomic impact

The alates of C. aegopodii move early in the year. They leave their primary host from the end of April to go and infect carrot seedbeds. They then induce discoloration in cotyledonous leaves.
In reaction to the aphid injections the first leaves roll up and desiccate.
The insect can also transmit viruses: transmission of the viral carrot motley dwarf complex (combination of CmoV + CRLV (carrot mottle virus + carrot red leaf virus)) which manifests itself by yellowing of the central leaves, reddening of the external leaves, proliferation of roots and dwarfing of the whole plant.

Natural enemies

In general colonies are quickly curbed when subjected to the pressure of their natural enemies. These are hymenopteran parasitoids of aphids (photo) and diseases caused by entomophthoral fungi.


  • Aphidius salicis
  • Binodoxys heraclei
  • Ephedrus helleni

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Modification date: 06 May 2024 | Publication date: 29 September 2010 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet