L. trirhodus

Longicaudus trirhodus (Walker,1849)

Rose-columbine aphid
Longicaudus trirhodus : nymphe stade 4
Longicaudus trirhodus : adulte ailé
Longicaudus trirhodus : colonie
Longicaudus trirhodus : adulte ailé

Morphological characters

2.0-2.7 mm.
Apterous: green to yellowish green, cornicles very short and cauda long.
Alate: green to yellowish green, antennae shorter than length of body, dark patch on abdomen, small short cornicles and cauda elongate.

See identification file

Life cycles

Dioecious holocyclic

Host plants

Primary hosts: Rosa , rose

Secondary hosts: Aquilegia, columbine, Thalictrum, meadow-rue

Particular characteristics

Longicaudus trirhodus spends winter on rose trees where it forms small colonies in spring. Alates develop in May-June in order to go and colonize the secondary hosts: Aquilegia (columbine) and/or Thalictrum (meadow-rue). In autumn the alates, formed on host, migrate towards the primary hosts: rose trees. They give rise to the oviparous females. After fertilization with alate males, the oviparae will lay eggs. These will overwinter before hatching in spring.


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Modification date: 22 May 2024 | Publication date: 23 June 2017 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet