D. noxia

Diuraphis (Diuraphis) noxia (Kurdjumov, 1913)

Russian wheat aphid
Diuraphis noxia : adulte aptère
Diuraphis noxia : adulte ailé

Morphological characters

Apterous: body green, elongate and showing pruinosity, antennae short, cornicles hardly visible, caudicle strongly marked above cauda.
Alate: body elongate, abdomen light-coloured, antennae short, cornicles tiny, caudicle above cauda, cauda elongate and pointed.

Life cycles

Monoecious holocyclic on barley and wheat in regions with a continental climate.
Anholocyclic in temperate and mediterranean regions.

Host plants

Mainly Triticum (wheat) and Hordum (barley), but also numerous grasses.

Particular characteristics

Originally from Central Asia this species has colonized South Africa, Mexico and USA. It wreaks havoc in the great cereal growing areas. Currently, in France it occurs sporadically in the south and on the Mediterranean Rim. Nonetheless great vigilence is needed and its presence must be closely monitored.

Agronomic impact

D. (D.) noxia develops early, colonizing cereals at a young stage (tillering, onset of flowering).
The colony establishes itself at the base of growing leaves whose blades roll up. Those leaves show longitudinal discolouration (streaks in white, yellow or even red). The foliar surface area, the numbers of leaves and tillers are diminished.
The plant’s growth is slowed down or even stopped completely.

Natural enemies

Parasitoids :

Modification date: 22 May 2024 | Publication date: 29 September 2010 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet