C. leucomelas

Chaitophorus leucomelas Koch, 1854

Black poplar leaf aphid
Chaitophorus leucomelas : adulte aptère et colonie
Chaitophorus leucomelas : adulte ailé


1.2-2.4 mm.
Apterous: with numerous hairs, green with dark stripes interrupted in central part and cornicles black.
Alate: with broad dark stripes on abdomen and marginal sclerites highly pigmented, cornicles short, cylindrical and dark, cauda knobbed.

See identification file

Life cycles

Monoecious holocyclic 

Host plants

Populus spp, more particularly Populus nigra (black poplar) and P. nigra var. italica (Lombardy polar)

Particular characteristics

Chaitophorus leucomelas lives on underside of leaves and young shoots.
In spring, colonies are visited by ants.

In this folder

Modification date: 22 May 2024 | Publication date: 19 July 2012 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet