C. grassii

Crypturaphis grassii Silvestri 1935

Italian alder aphid
Crypturaphis grassii : adulte aptère sur Alnus cordata
Crypturaphis grassi :colonie
Crypturaphis grassi : larve
Crypturaphis grassii : adulte ailé

Morphological characters

2.2-3.0 mm
Colony with individuals pressed onto leaf veins, larvae yellow or green, apterous adults yellow striped with brown and alates show a dorsal patch
Apterous: almost round and flat, yellow striped with brown, frontal tubercles strongly developed
Alate: head with frontal tubercles prominent, antennae short, abdomen with a dorsal patch with varying degrees of development

See identification file

Life cycles

Monoecious holocyclic

Host plants

Alnus cordata, Italian alder

Particular characteristics

Colonies settle along leaf veins, preferring the underside. The individuals are extremely flat.

In this folder

Modification date: 22 May 2024 | Publication date: 06 February 2017 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet