Identification file

Identification file

Cavariella aegopodii (Scopoli, 1763)

1.0 -2.7 mm

Apterous: green to yellowish green
Frons flat or slightly sinuate (1)
Antennae equal to ¼ length of body, processus terminalis equal to length of base (2)
Abdomen: presence of a caudicle on abdominal segment 8 which covers cauda (5)
Cornicles swollen (4)
Cauda broad (6)

Cavariella aegopodii : fiche d'identification
Cavariella aegopodii © Encyclop'Aphid

Alate: green to yellowish green
Frons flat or slightly sinuate (1)
Antennae equal to half length of body, presence of numerous distorted rhinaria on III, processus terminalis equal to length of base (2)
Abdomen: dorsal patch variably pigmented (3), may be reduced to stripes, presence of caudicle on abdominal segment 8 (5)
Cornicles swollen (4), pigmented
Cauda digitate (6) pigmented

Species file

Modification date: 07 February 2023 | Publication date: 09 October 2014 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet