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Welcome to Encyclop'Aphid

Welcome to Encyclop'Aphid

Acyrthosiphon pisum, le puceron du pois




 Aphids? insects of a vast world

Encyclop'aphid is an encyclopedia devoted to aphids, created for aphid enthusiasts and realised by INRA's Insect Ecology and Genetics Research team of IGEPP (Institute of Genetics and Envronment applied to Plant Protection)

taxonomie, morphologie, cycles biologiques, mode de dispersion, alimentation

What is an aphid?

Accès aux clés d'identification

Access to identification keys

Accès aux fiches espèces

Access to species files

Access to videos

lien avec le réseau de recherche BAPOA

BAPOA (Adaptive Biology of Aphids and associated organisms) network

Antagonisme, mutualisme

Aphids and their environment

dégâts, luttes

Aphid and agriculture

recherches actuelles

Aphids and research

If you use Encyclop'Aphid data, please use the following reference:

Hullé M., Chaubet B., Turpeau E. and Simon J.C. 2020. Encyclop’Aphid: a website on aphids and their natural enemies. Entomologia generalis: doi:10.1127/entomologia/2019/0867

Redactor: M. Hullé, E. Turpeau, B. Chaubet