Identification file

Identification file

Elatobium abietinum (Walker, 1849)

1.4-2.0 mm
Apterous:  green, antennae equal to half the body, cornicles straight, cylindrical, and cauda elongate
Frons slightly sinuate
Antennae equal to half of body with processus terminalis equal to 1-1.5 x base of VI (1)
Abdomen pale
Cornicles long, straight and cylindrical (2)
Cauda digitate (3)

Elatobium abietinum : fiche d'identification
Elatobium abietinum © Encyclop'Aphid

Alate: green with antennae, cornicles and ends of legs dark
Frons slightly sinuate (4)
Antennae dark, longer than half of body with processus terminalis equal to 1x the base of VI (5)
Abdomen pale
Cornicles long, straight and cylindrical, slightly  pigmented, inserted laterally with tips bevel-edged (6)
Cauda digitate, constricted (7) and pointed

Species file

Modification date: 07 February 2023 | Publication date: 15 June 2017 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet