Identification file

Identification file

Drepanosiphum platanoides (Schrank, 1801)

3.2-4.3 mm                  

Large aphid, greenish to yellow and elongate
Frons flat
Antennae ringed, longer than body
Abdomen light-colored
Cornicles long, light and broad
Cauda knobbed

Drepanosiphum platanoides : fiche d'identification
Drepanosiphum platanoides © Encyclop'Aphid

Antennae dark, longer than body with processus terminalis very long (1)
Abdomen with or without broad dark stripes (2)
Cornicles light-colored, long and broad with constriction at darkened tip (3)
Cauda knobbed (4)
Patellae, ends of tibias and tarsi dark (5)

Species file