Identification file

Identification file

Chaitophorus leucomelas Koch, 1854

1.2-2.4 mm

Apterous: with numerous hairs
Frons flat, bristly with numerous hairs (1)
Antennae equal to la half of body (2)
Abdomen green with numerous long hairs and dark stripes interrupted in middle (3)
Cornicles short and pigmented
Cauda knobbed (4)

Chaitophorus leucomelas : fiche d'identification
Chaitophorus leucomelas © Encyclop'Aphid

Frons flat, bristly with numerous hairs (1)
Antennae shorter than length of body (5)
Head and thorax dark
Abdomen with dark broad stripes (6) and highly pigmented marginal sclerites
Cornicles short, cylindrical and dark (7)
Cauda knobbed (8)
Wings smudged (9), pterostigma somber toned and venation broad (10)

Species file