Identification file

Identification file

Brachycorynella asparagi (Mordvilko, 1929)

1.2-1.8 mm

Apterous: elongate, bluey green, slightly greyish, with some pruinosity
Frons sinuate
Antennae short (1/3 length of body) with processus terminalis short (1.5 times length of base)
Cornicles pale, conical, reduced to a slightly raised pores
Cauda long, linguate

Brachycorynella asparagi : fiche d'identification

Brachycorynella asparagi © Encyclop'Aphid

Alate: elongate, narrow, bluey green, covered with waxy pruinosity
Frons sinuate (1)
Antennae short (half length of body) (2), segment III with 5-7 very large  rhinaria, VI with processus terminalis short (1.5-2 times length of base)
Cornicles pale, conical, reduced to pores slightly raised up
Cauda long, linguate (3)

Species file

Modification date: 07 February 2023 | Publication date: 20 May 2015 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet