Identification file

Identification file

Brachycaudus persicae (Passerini, 1860)

1.6-2.6 mm

Apterous: globular, black with large dorsal patch incorporating the marginal sclerites
Frons sinuate
Antennae shorter than length of body (1)
Abdomen with  dorsal patch incorporating the marginal sclerites (2)
Cornicles dark, short with truncated cone end (broader at insertion point) (3)
Cauda very short (4)


Brachycaudus persicae : fiche d'identification
Brachycaudus persicae © Encyclop'Aphid


Alate: abdomen with large dark patch covering all the abdomen including area between cornicles and sometimes joining up with marginal sclerites  
Frons sinuate
Antennae a little shorter than length of body (5), numerous small rhinaria on segments III, IV and V
Abdomen with large dorsal patch (6)
Cornicles straight, dark and medium length (7)
Cauda pigmented, short and rounded (8)

Species file