Identification file

Identification file

Aphis frangulae / gossypii

Within this frangulae gossypii group, the species are practically indistinguishable using morphological criteria.
Their identification requires knowledge of their host plants and life cycles.

0.9-1.8 mm

Apterous: olive green to brownish
Frons flat or slightly sinuate (1)
Antennae shorter than length of body (2)
Abdomen: devoid of dorsal pigmentation
Cornicles with uniform pigmentation, from dark tone to black (4)
Cauda pigmented but always lighter than cornicles (5)
Legs with ends dark brown

Aphis frangulae gossypii : fiche d'identification
Aphis frangulae gossypii © Encyclop'Aphid

Alate: green to dark green
Frons flat or slightly sinuate
Antennae shorter than length of body (2)
Abdomen with presence of circular marginal sclerites and postcornicular sternites (3)
Cornicles with uniform pigmentation, from dark tone to black (4)
Cauda pigmented but always lighter than cornicles (5)
Legs with ends/distal parts dark brown                   

Species file

Modification date: 07 February 2023 | Publication date: 17 September 2014 | By: Evelyne Turpeau, Maurice Hullé, Bernard Chaubet