Identification file

Identification file

Aphis forbesi Weed, 1889

1.2-1.8 mm

Apterous: globular, brownish or dark green
Frons flat or slightly sinuate (1)
Antennae with 5 (2)or 6 segments, equal to half length of body
Rostrum with last segment long
Abdomen without pigmentation (3)
Cornicles short, straight and pigmented (4)
Cauda short and dark (5)

Aphis forbesi : fiche d'identification
Aphis forbesi © Encyclop'Aphid

Alate: dark
Frons flat (6)
Antennae with 5 or 6 segments, equal to half length of body length (7)
Rostrum with last segment long
Abdomen with large marginal sclerites (8)
Cornicles short and pigmented (9)
Cauda short, squat and pigmented (10)

Species file